Tingplik Express

The Internet Newspaper for Indigenous Peoples Affairs and Human Rights


Tingplik Express L'Internet journal pour les peuples autochtones et des affaires des droits de l'homme

Tingplik Express El periódico de Internet para los pueblos indígenas y de derechos humanos

Tingplik एक्सप्रेस इंटरनेट अखबारों के लिए देशी लोग कार्य और मानव अधिकार


tingplik表达 互联网报纸为土著人民事务和人权

Tingplik Express Die Internet-Zeitung für indigene Völker Angelegenheiten und Menschenrechte

Tingplik Express Το Internet εφημερίδα για τους αυτόχθονες πληθυσμούς Υποθέσεων και Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων

There Is Hope For Myanmar Cyclone Disaster Victims

There is hope for Myanmar cyclone nagris disaster victims… We have received an update from Roger Oakland with Understand The Times, International Ministry. Please read the following message:
Myanmar Missions Update
From Understand The Times

As the world now knows, the destruction that hit Yangon and surrounding area two weeks ago may go down in history as one of the most severe catastrophes of all time. While the loss of life is indescribable, there is much more to this story. Not only is Myanmar one of the poorest places in the world, the people of the country may be the most oppressed in the world.

UTT has been working with Christians in the country of Myanmar for the last three years. We have over 60 underprivileged children that are being cared for in four different homes (Bryce Lodges 1,2,3 and 4). We have also helped to establish Yangon Grace Bible Fellowship that has planted an additional five churches in two years. Before the storm hit we were in the process of establishing a Bible School and 25 Bible School students to share the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the country.READ MORE..


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