Tingplik Express

The Internet Newspaper for Indigenous Peoples Affairs and Human Rights


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Tingplik एक्सप्रेस इंटरनेट अखबारों के लिए देशी लोग कार्य और मानव अधिकार


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Tingplik Express Die Internet-Zeitung für indigene Völker Angelegenheiten und Menschenrechte

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Mothers take ‘torch rally’ for peace

Dimapur, May 10 (TEN): In a perfect precedent of a mother’s role on the eve Mother’s Day, womenfolk of Dimapur came out strongly against the continuous factional clashes and bloodshed in the district, by carrying out a symbolic torch rally along National Highway-39 this evening at the Diphupar area. The area has remained tense for the past few weeks due to the presence of armed underground cadres and also a serious factional fight on May 8.
The torch rally, organized by the Naga Women Hoho and attended by around two thousand people mostly women, gave out a strong message to the factions that the mothers are pained to see the Nagas kill each other. ‘The pain of the mothers on seeing the factional killings’ was the catchword of women representatives who spoke during earlier rallies in different parts of the city; ‘the pain’ transformed into a symbolic and silent procession up to the Diphupar ‘B’ gate, this evening.
The torch rally comes after months of appeals by the suffering civil society for peace in the society, peace rallies in different parts of the city and also the daring intervention by the public into the factional clash in Diphupar ‘B’ on May 8. “If you love your sisters and mothers, then don’t kill each other,” said a women speaker at a short programme held at Diphupar junction along the highway.
The mothers said if the underground factions do not comply with the appeals of the mothers, then there can be no regard to the pompous claim of being “national workers”. The mothers would not extend cooperation to any faction that ignores the appeal of the mothers, said a speaker. The Naga Women Hoho, Dimapur president exhorted the mothers to be bold and come out strongly against the factional clashes and bloodshed.
Others speakers included the DNSU president, chairmen of Diphupar villages, Naga Women Hoho Dimapur President and some others. They all condemned the factional clashes and appealed to the factions to restraint themselves from engaging in conflicts.


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