Tingplik Express

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NISC says Naga society coming apart

Dimapur, May 10 (TEN): The Naga International Support Center (NISC) laments that the Naga society today is coming apart at the seams and the land has been turned into killing fields. A press note from the NISC appealed to all to stop the senseless killings while urging the government of India to take certain suggested steps.
“Accusing, bickering, defecting fighting and rampant killing has turned the Naga Homeland into the ‘killing fields’ of the northeast of India” the NISC stated and held that “the Naga Society is breaking at its seams; tribalism has cropped up and as tension builds the results devastating. people are killed, innocent ones too, civilian law and order has evaporated. It further charged that the “new State Government does not do anything despite the fact that it declared to work for a respectable solution of the Indo-Naga conflict.”
The NISC held that the gun now rules while the police “idly stands by and arrests nobody and no one is held accountable for murder.” It also observed that bitter fighting in the local press demonstrate that “all parties concerned” are trying to justify what they are doing while blaming the others, ‘yet no proper investigation is carried out.’ “A nation once proud to be Christian has fallen flat on its face. Love thy neighbor, turn the other cheek are pillars of Christianity but in Nagaland these humanistic notions are flaunted” it lamented.
Appealing to the “parties” in concern, the NISC suggested taking responsibility for the “utter disunity, envy, anger, tribal feelings of superiority”; arresting “the culprits and masterminds” so they can be brought to justice; setting up an impartial investigative team to “unearths the deeper seeded animosities between the parties by presenting the facts”
The NISC also reminded to all to respect human rights; “to be truthful, open and accountable by revealing policies on which killing fellow Nagas are justified.”
To the Government of India the NISC urged it to restore law and order by deploying law enforcing agencies and to “instruct the Sate Governments to take their governance seriously.” It also urged the GoI to “begin talking peace in earnest and to abandon the divide and rule policies aimed to dividing and destroying the culture and resilience of the Nagas; to respect human rights for a democratic society; to repeal the Armed Forces Special powers Act; remove all Indian troops from Naga soil as a sign of good will; “fortify” the police force and install investigative teams; to appoint impartial judges so that law and order will be restored and the Naga peoples feel that the Government of India is finally taking responsibility through its State Governments
“This is a serious matter which affects the international standing and democratic recognitions of the Government of India and the Nagas. The Naga Peoples are yearning for pace with dignity” NISC stated. It urged “all parties, groups, factions and governments” involved to pave the way for genuine unification and true democracy. As well as cast aside personal tribal and intertribal grievances. It called upon the Government of India to show “flexibility and accommodation.”


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