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NSCN-IM debunks UNPC stamp

Dimapur, May 22 (TEN): The NSCN-IM while reacting to floating of the United Naga People's Council (UNPC) in Manipur, said that no such persons called Max and Lansha had ever enrolled nor deserted NSCN-IM, "hence, the question of breaking away does not arise".

The NSCN-IM statement said the declaration itself is also foreign to the Nagas.

"Not even a Naga deserter, would dare to behave like a mad dog against his own people.

No Naga would also come forward to sell his own home to the Meiteis or others and commit himself to fight for the so-called Manipur territorial integrity.

This is an absurd thing," fumed the NSCN-IM tonight in a statement.

The outfit however, affirmed that the statement of the UNPC would be thoroughly investigated and "if a Naga is found to be in that group, GPRN will deal with him by the root".

The NSCN-IM also advised that every Naga must immediately distance himself/herself from this UNPC before the law grab him/her for judgement.

"Families are cautioned to take care lest anyone of their boy or girl is misled to join this group," cautioned the NSCN-IM while adding, "Solemnly, we declare that, we do not covet for even an inch of others' land nor will we give an inch of ours to them.

We appeal the Naga people to be vigilant to safeguard our sweet homeland and freedom".

In a separate statement the NSCN-IM said that UNPC is an organisation of hooligans which is headless and without ideology.

The NSCN-IM pledged that it would leave no stone unturned to wipe out such "unwanted development".


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