Tingplik Express

The Internet Newspaper for Indigenous Peoples Affairs and Human Rights


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‘6 missing from Vihokhu village’

Dimapur, May 17 (TEN): The National Socialist Council of Nagalim under the leadership of Isak and Muivah in a press note issued by its MIP stated that on 14 May, 2008, six Tangkhul of Vihokhu village, Niuland were picked up by the “Azheto group” at around 9:30 pm after being called for a meeting at the Goan Bura’s residence. Since then, their fate remains unknown, stated a press note issued by the MIP pointing out that the “question that immediately evoked is if this is another face of the ethnic cleansing under operation by the Azheto group”. The names of the missing persons are Samson, Henito, Daniel, Hekuto, Samson and Jacob. “They are bonafide members of Hevokhu under the direct control of GB and has been a part of the Sumi community”, stated the MIP note.


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