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Genetic study finds malarial traits in Northeast

Shillong, July 3 (PTI) A study by the Anthropological Survey of India (ASI) on the genetic characteristics of the inhabitants of India's Northeast considered as a 'malaria zone' - may open up a fresh lead among researchers to develop a new drug for the mosquito-related disease.
The ongoing study has found that deficiency of enzyme G-6-PD (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase), which helps red blood cells (RBCs) function normally is a common sex-linked trait in the region, M Arabind Singh of the ASI's Northeast Regional Centre told PTI on the sidelines of an exhibition here.

G-6-PD is one of many enzymes that help the body process carbohydrates and turn them into energy. It also protects red blood cells from potentially harmful byproducts that can accumulate when a person takes certain medications or when the body is fighting an infection.

The ASI study detected cases of disorder like jaundice among those G-6-PD-deficient persons who had intake of chloroquine. "Though researchers have found evidence that the parasite that causes malaria does not survive well in G-6-PD-deficient cells, yet it is seen that the enzyme's deficiency results in other disorders after a person consumes drugs like chloroquine," Singh said, quoting the study.

As per the study, there was a high incidence of G-6-PD -deficiency among the Amgami Nagas (27 per cent), Mikir Rabhas (19 per cent) and Khasi-Garos (9 per cent). PTI

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